Sunny L. Stalter-Pace

Hargis Professor of American Literature

English Department

9030 Haley Center

Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849-5203



2021-present Hargis Professor of American Literature

2018-2021 Hargis Associate Professor of American Literature, Auburn University

2013-2018       Associate Professor, Auburn University

2007-2013       Assistant Professor, Auburn University

2001-2007       Teaching Assistant, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey



Ph.D.   English, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2007

M.A.    English, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2003

B.A.     English and French, Loyola University Chicago, 1997, with honors, magna cum laude




Imitation Artist: Gertrude Hoffmann’s Life in Vaudeville and Dance

Northwestern University Press, May 2020


Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New York City Subway

University of Massachusetts Press, November 2013


Edited Volumes:

Theatre Symposium 31: Theatre & The Popular

Associate Editor with Chase Bringardner. June 2024, University of Alabama Press.


Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Film 50.2 (November 2023): Co-editor with Catherine M. Young.

Co-written introduction, “Special Issue on the New York Hippodrome,” 118-136.


“Realistic Spectacle: Arthur Voegtlin’s Nineteenth-Century Stagecraft at the New York Hippodrome.” Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Film 50.2 (November 2023), 1-15.

Disappearing Mermaids: Staging White Women’s Mobility through Aquatic Performance at the New York Hippodrome.” Theatre Survey 64.1 (January 2023): 1-21.

“Getting to Know Gertrude Hoffmann (and Her Girls).” The Passing Show: Newsletter of the Shubert Archive 35 (2020/2021): 2-21.

“The Precarity of Fluffy Ruffles: Reading a Progressive Era Comic Strip in the Age of #MeToo,” Feminist Modernist Studies 2.3 (2019): 314-322.

 Imitation Modernism: Gertrude Hoffman’s 'Russian' Ballets,” Modernism/modernity Print+ cluster, “Modernism on the World Stage” Volume 4, Cycle 3 (October 15, 2019).

 “Gertrude Hoffmann’s Lawful Piracy: ‘A Vision of Salome’ and the Russian Season as Transatlantic Production Impersonations.” Theatre Symposium 25 (2017): 37-48.

 “Underground Theater: Theorizing Mobility through Modern Subway Dramas” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 5.3 (Winter 2015): 4-22.

 "'I'm Out and He's In': Nativist Discourse in American Expressionist Drama" Journal of American Drama and Theatre 23.3 (Fall 2011): 77-96.

  "The Subway Crush: Making Contact in New York City Subway Songs, 1904-1915." The Journal of American Culture 34:4 (December 2011): 321-331.

 “Invisible Threads: Unraveling Infrastructure in Half Century with Cotton.CR: The New Centennial Review 10.1 (Winter 2010): 115-125.

 “Subway Ride and Subway System in Hart Crane’s ‘The Tunnel’.” Journal of Modern Literature 33.2 (Winter 2010): 70-91.

 “Farewell to the El: Nostalgic Urban Visuality on the Third Avenue Elevated Train.” American Quarterly 58.3 (September 2006): 869-890.


Book Chapters:

“Subway: Underground Networks Through Modernist Poetry and Prose.” Edinburgh Companion to Modernism and Technology. Eds. Alex Goody and Ian Whittington. Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 63-77.

“Urbanization.” American Literature in Transition, 1920-1930. Ed. Ichiro Takayoshi. Cambridge University Press: New York, 2018. 240-256.

 “The English talent for adopting”:  Imitation, Translation, and Parody in Beatrice Hastings’s New Age Essays.” Beatrice Hastings: On the Life & Work of a 20th Century Master, Eds. Benjamin Johnson and Erika Jo Brown. Pleiades Press: Warrensburg MO, 2016. 204-218.

 “Hart Crane” A Companion to Modernist Poetry. Eds. David Chinitz and Gail McDonald.

Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken NJ, 2014. 526-535 .


Review Essays:

 “Claiming Its Legacy: On ‘Hamilton: The Revolution.’” Los Angeles Review of Books. July 18, 2016.

  “’New York is the greatest city in the world – and everything is wrong with it’: New York City in the Era of John Lindsay,” American Studies 54.2 (2015): 5-15.



The Gotham Center for New York City History. “Imitation Artist: An Interview with Sunny Stalter-Pace,” October 20, 2020.

Pamela Toler, “Talking About Women’s History: Three Questions and an Answer with Sunny Stalter-Pace.” History in the Margins blog, March 4, 2020.

Dhan Zunino Singh, and Mikkel Thelle. “Mobilities and Representations: A Conversation with Peter Merriman, Colin Divall, Sunny Stalter-Pace, and Tim Cresswell.” Mobility in History 8.1 (2017): 5–18.


Teaching Publications:

Teaching Hamilton: An American Musical as Contemporary American Drama.” Pedagogy & American Literary Studies. May 10, 2017.

 “Reading the Reviews.” The Pocket Instructor: Literature. Ed. Diana Fuss and William Gleason. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016. 189-192.


Invited Online Publications:

“Reading Scrapbooks and the Shifting Stories They Tell About the New York Hippodrome.” New York Public Library Blog. September 20, 2022.

 “Better Times Opens at the Hippodrome.” New York 1920s. September 2, 1922.

 “Christmas Benefit at the New York Hippodrome.” New York 1920. December 19, 2020.

  “The Page 99 Test: Sunny Stalter-Pace’s ‘Imitation Artist.’” The Page 99 Test (blog), June 19, 2020.

Gertrude Hoffmann’s First Act.” Brooklynology (research blog of the Brooklyn Public Library), October 19, 2016.

The View from Above: Open City Book Club, Day 3.” Patell and Waterman’s History of New York.

 “Life During Wartime: Chronic City Book Club, Day 5.” Patell and Waterman’s History of New York.


Encyclopedias and Catalog Entries:

“Subway Exit – O. Louis Guglielmi.” Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2012. 138.


“Stan Brakhage,” “René Clair,” “Found Footage,” “Kuhle Wampe,” “Turksib,” “Viktor Turin.” Encyclopedia of the Documentary Film, ed. Ian Aitken. Routledge: New York and London, 2005. 137-139; 232-234; 430-432; 749-752; 1354-1357.


Academic Book Reviews:

“The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism in Contemporary Theatre.” Modern Drama 68.1 (March 2025).

“Theatre Across Oceans: Mediators of Transatlantic Exchange, 1890-1925.” Theatre Survey 64.1 (January 2023).

“Women Adapting: Bringing Three Serials of the Roaring Twenties to Stage and Screen.” Theatre Journal. 74.2 (June 2022): 263-264.

Moving Performances: Divas, Iconicity, and Remembering the Modern Stage.Theatre Survey 60.3 (September 2018): 435-437.

  “Building Natures: Modern American Poetry, Landscape Architecture, and City Planning.” The ALH Online Review Series XVII (Fall 2018)

  “Moving Modernisms: Motion, Technology, and Modernity.Woolf Studies Annual 23 (2017): 196-198.

 “Tender is the Night & F. Scott Fitzgerald's Sentimental Identities by Chris Messenger Alabama Review 70.1 (January 2017): 91-94..

 “Vehicles: Cars, Canoes, and Other Metaphors of Moral Imagination.” Technology and Culture 58 (January 2017): 287-288.

 “Connected: How Trains, Genes, Pineapples, Piano Keys, and a Few Disasters Transformed Americans at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century.” American Literary History. The ALH Online Review Series VIII. (Winter 2016).

  “Broadway’s Global and Local Circulation.” Transfers Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 5.3 (Winter 2015): 162-163.

 “New York and the Literary Imagination: The City in Twentieth Century Fiction and DramaSouth Atlantic Review 74.2 (2009): 191-193.

  “Picturing the City: Urban Vision and the Ashcan School.” Modernism/modernity 15.1 (2008): 191-193.

 “Theatre and Film: A Comparative Anthology.” Theatre Research International 31.2 (2006) 204-205.

 “Museum Movies.” Journal of Visual Culture 5.1 (April 2006), 126-128.


Novel, Film, and Performance Reviews:

“Fugitive Locomotion in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad” (novel review). Transfers Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 7.1 (2017): 163-165.

 “A Woman’s Need for Speed” (novel review). Transfers Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 5.1 (Spring 2015): 154-156.

 “No Brakes” (film review). Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 3.1 (Spring 2013): 176-180.

 “I'm Gonna Kill the President!: A Federal Offense” (performance review). Theatre Journal 56.3 (2004): 513-514.



“Street Life/Night Life”

Plenary Panel, Modernist Studies Association

Brooklyn NY, 10/28/2023

“Backstage at the Hippodrome: The Show People Behind New York City's Most Spectacular Playhouse”

CELSA (Centre d'études littéraires et scientifiques appliquées)

Paris-Sorbonne, 11/24/2022

“Glimpses of Gertrude: Piecing Together the Life of a Vaudeville Performer”

Special Collections, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University, 3/30/2021

Interdisciplinary Modernisms Workshop

University of Georgia, 10/11/2019


“Farewell to the El: Nostalgia for the Third Avenue Elevated Train”

New York City Transit Museum, 10/3/2017


Underground Movements book talk

  • Atlanta Modernisms Seminar, Emory University, 4/17/2015

  • Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and Humanities, Auburn University, 3/19/2014

“American Expressionist Drama as Ethnic Crossroads,” Interrogating Modernism Seminar, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, Vanderbilt University, 3/17/2011



2020 Harry Ransom Center Fellowship

2020 New York Public Library Short-Term Research Fellowship

2019    SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grant

2017    College of Liberal Arts, Competitive Professional Improvement Leave

2015    Provost’s Grant Award, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest

2014    Alabama Humanities Foundation Grant, American Transport Film Series

2011    College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award, Departmental Nominee

2010    College of Liberal Arts Semester Research Leave

2010    Alabama Humanities Foundation Minigrant

2010    NEH Summer Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts Nominee

2009    Accepted as Participant and Presenter, UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies

2008    College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Award

2006    Modern Language Association Travel Grant

2006    Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Dissertation Fellowship

2005    Andrew W. Mellon Summer Fellowship for Dissertation Writers

2004    Modernist Studies Association Travel Grant

2003    Special Study/Pre-Dissertation Award, Rutgers Graduate School




Conference Co-Organizer

Theatre Symposium 31: Theatre and the Popular

Decatur GA, April 2022


“Subway Networks: Riding, Writing, Connecting”

Modernist Studies Association, Between the Acts online conference, April 2022


Panel Organizer: Quoting Black Dance

Association for Theatre in Higher Education, online conference, August 2021


“The Masses and the Hippodrome”

Theatre Symposium, online conference, April 2021


“Writing Women’s Lives” roundtable

Organizer and participant

Feminist Inter/Modernist Association

Accepted for April 2020, Postponed to April 2022 due to Covid-19

“The Largest Flag in Vaudeville”

Theatre Symposium. Decatur, GA, April 2019.


“’She couldn’t have a waitress with such fetching violet eyes!’: Workplace Harassment in the comic strip Fluffy Ruffles.”

Modernist Studies Association. Columbus OH, November 2018.


“Popular Theater as Modernist Archive: How Revues, Follies, and Passing Shows Shaped the American Understanding of European Avant-Garde Performance”

Modern Language Association, New York NY, January 2018


“Fabled Enchantresses: Marilyn Monroe’s Nostalgic Imitations”

Modernist Studies Association, Amsterdam NE, August 2017


“Interesting You to Do Me: Gertrude Hoffmann’s Pitch to Lucille Ball”

Modernist Studies Association, Pasadena CA, November 2016


Roundtable: Live Spectacles, Paratexts, and Ancillary Outlets

Flow Conference, Austin TX, September 2016


“La Saison Russe: Gertrude Hoffmann’s Russian Ballet as Dialogue, Piracy, and Parody”

Southeastern Theatre Conference Theatre Symposium, Decatur GA, April 2016


“Pirated Performances: Gertrude Hoffmann and the Problem of Popular Mimesis”

Modernist Studies Association, Boston MA, November 2015


“Street Art Without Hip-hop: Watching and Listening to Stations of the Elevated

American Studies Association, Toronto CA, October 2015


“Underground Theater: The Subway Play from Boucicault to Baraka”

American Literature Association Symposium: The City and American Literature

American Literature Association, New Orleans LA, September 2015


“You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby: Bringing Back the Flapper in No, No Nanette

Modernist Studies Association, Pittsburgh PA, November 2014


“Frontiers of Mobility Studies: A Transfers Perspective”

International Association for the History of Traffic, Transport, and Mobility,

Philadelphia PA, September 2014


“Making Digital Technologies Work for You, Not Against You”

Conversations in Celebration of Teaching, Auburn AL, September 2013


“O. Louis Guglielmi’s Cityscapes and the Advancing American Art Exhibit”

American Studies Association, San Juan PR, November 2012


"'I'm Out and He's In': Nativist Discourse in American Expressionist Drama"

Modern Language Association, Seattle WA, January 2012


“Circulatory Systems: Cityscape Poetry and the Subway Sublime”

Modernist Studies Association, Buffalo NY, October 2011


“American Expressionism as Ethnic Crossroads”

Modern Language Association, Los Angeles California, January 2011


“Examining Labor in Half Century with Cotton

American Studies Association, San Antonio Texas, November 2010


“Interborough, Interregional, International: The Subway as Underground Connector in New York Modernism”

Center for Ethnic Studies/Mid-America American Studies Association, Cedar Rapids IA, April 2009


 “The Expressionist Apartment”

The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville KY, February 2009


Panel Organizer and Presenter, Bridging Past and Present in Modernist Poetry

College English Association, St. Louis MO, March 2008


“Sex and the City: American Expressionism on the Subway”

Modern Language Association, Chicago IL, December 2007


“Men and Machines: On the Subway with Busby Berkeley”

Modern Language Association, Chicago IL, December 2007


“The ‘New Negro’ on the New York City Subway”

Modernist Studies Association, Long Beach CA, November 2007


“Characteristics of Cultural Exchange”

Modern Language Association, Washington D.C., December 2005



Modern drama and performance; Literary modernism; Critical theory; Twentieth-century American literature and culture; American studies; Mobility studies; Modern poetry; Visual theory and visual studies




LBAR 1210: Thinking Through the Arts

This interdisciplinary, experiential first-year seminar uses the semester’s art and performance events as the basis for thinking through foundational concepts in the liberal arts.




Graduate level:

  • Literary Modernisms:

    • Modernist Mobilities

    • Modernism, High and Low

    • American Modernist Cities

  • American Studies

    • Media and Memory in Contemporary American Literature

    • Women Making a Scene

    • American Popular Performance

  • Contemporary Literature and Culture: Contemporary American Drama

  • Major American Authors: William Carlos Williams


Undergraduate level:

  • Contemporary American Literature

  • Women Making a Scene

  • Contemporary Plays & the Problem of History

  • Modernist Cities

  • American Popular Performance

  • Introduction to Critical Theory and Topics in Critical Theory

  • Topics in Popular Culture: City Cultures, Performing American Identity, The Movie Musical, Modernist Comics

  • Southern Literature                                                      

  • American Expressionism

  • American Realism and Naturalism

  • American Literature II, small classroom and large lecture format

  • Honors World Literature II




2020-present Chair for Interdisciplinary Approaches, Modernist Studies Association

Referee, book manuscripts for Bergahn Press, Kent State University Press, Palgrave Press.

Referee, journal articles for Modernism/modernity; Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature; Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies; Twentieth-Century Literature

2014-2016       Book Review Editor, Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies

2012-2014       Co-Editor, Film Review Section, Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies



2023 Consultant, Finding Your Roots, PBS

2023 Organizer, Common Grounds Featuring the Advancing American Art Collection, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art