Happy Women’s History Month! We’re almost to the end of it, but I wanted to be sure and sneak in one new post because I’ve been reading and thinking so much about the most important choreographer to come out of the New York Hippodrome, Albertina Rasch (1896-1967). There are three beats in her story that I want to make sure I cover in the bigger picture of the book.
1) When she’s the prima ballerina of the Hippodrome ballet corps from 1909-1911
2) When she comes back to the Hippodrome in the mid-1920s as the Hippodrome house choreographer
3) After she goes to Hollywood and does dance direction for the first wave of movie musicals, when she comes back and does some really influential Broadway choreography that is (I think) inspired by her work at the Hippodrome
Albertina Rasch in her second season at the Hippodrome playing Ioneta, daughter of Chief Keneu “The War Eagle” in The Ballet of Niagara. Image from https://dimitritiomkin.com/biography/albertina-rasch/
Rasch emigrated from Vienna to New York City for the Hippodrome’s 1909 season, where she danced in the Ballet of the Jewels. In the following season, she played the chief’s daughter in the Ballet of Niagara. Rasch was Austrian and Jewish, obviously not native American. But this was an era when women dancing on the American popular stage often explored “exotic” roles — Ruth St. Denis doing Indian and Southeast Asian dances, the “Salome” craze in vaudeville — so her role falls right in line with the popular movements.
The 1911 season was a house-cleaning one at the Hippodrome: R.H. Burnside had quit, and Arthur Voegtlin could now direct the shows instead of just coming up with the special effects. Rasch moved on to dance in vaudeville and classical concerts. She married and divorced after two years. She declared bankruptcy. She went to Paris. Eventually, she returned to New York and opened a dance studio.
Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. "A moment from the Rhapsody in Blue ballet, created and staged by Madame Rasch for a company of her girls, who performed it in the Keith theaters" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1929-02. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/b39b9ea7-6924-3293-e040-e00a18064a68
Rasch was following an established business model in Broadway of the 1920s: found a school training people to dance in Broadway choruses, then send them out under your name. Gertrude Hoffmann, the subject of my last book, did the same thing. So did Ned Rayburn, Chester Hale, later June Taylor. I’m not sure if Rasch worked directly with the Hippodrome during the time when it was under Keith-Albee ownership or if they just danced there as one stop on the Keith-Albee vaudeville circuit. The performance they did during this time that most intrigues me was a ballet interpretation of Rhapsody in Blue. Gershwin wrote that piece in 1924; by 1926, Rasch choreographed a dance interpretation of the composition which premiered at the Hippodrome in 1926. The piano parts were performed by her second husband, Russian pianist Dmitri Tiomkin. They toured vaudeville and then moved to L.A. so they could both work in movies.
Their timing wasn’t the greatest: Rasch and Timkin arrived in Hollywood in early August 1929. The Broadway Melody had opened in February, and everyone was sure that musical films were going to be a huge trend. Rasch worked on scenes for a couple of dances, with the assumption that they could be interpolated into different films. Then the stock market crashed. By June of 1930, she took a buyout on her contract with MGM and went back to New York City.
Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library. "Albertina Rasch Dancers featured in The Band Wagon" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1931. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47dc-3883-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
This move was a good choice. She worked on The Band Wagon, a musical revue that seems to have completely re-imagined what a musical show should do. Instead of retreading old territory in the comic scenes, they did modern and even boundary-pushing gags like a woman in a showroom full of — gasp — bathroom fixtures. There was some light and youthful dancing and singing by Fred Astaire and his sister Adele, which must have felt light-years away from the try-hard mugging of someone like Al Jolson (who had been on Broadway earlier that year in The Wonder Bar). But most relevant to my concerns, the dancing was spectacular. The picture above is from a number called “Dancing in the Dark.” There’s a description in “Albertina Rasch: The Broadway Career,” a Dance Chronicle article by Frank W. D. Ries that is so evocative that it’s worth quoting in full:
“The song began as a solo by tenor John Barker, his face caught by a bright pin spot. As the light expanded, the revolving stage turned slowly under a play of colored lights. Barker finished his solo as he revolved offstage, and the melody was picked up by an offstage chorus. Meanwhile, the stage setting was transformed into a slanted mirror surface with Albertina Rasch’s dancers posed on it in long black and silver dresses of bias-cut lame designed by Constance Ripley and Kivette. The dance had an almost hypnotic effect as the chorus swayed and glided in the long dresses, forming themselves into sculptured poses that they extended into arching backbends. Tilly Losch then appeared on high, moving down from stage center on a series of slanted platforms until she reached stage level. She wore a draped gold dress of sparkling lame and a spiked headdress of modernistic design, all of which was reflected a series of mirror panels. Although she was in a floor-length gown, she danced on pointe so that she could create the illusion of gliding as she traveled across the stage. The dress, which included a train, limited her movements but created some striking effects that were further enhanced by thrusting-upward arm movements in a very restricted use of space.”
Doesn’t that sound amazing?! It’s so rare that I see a still photo from a dance performance and read a description of it that really helps me to mentally animate that frozen frame. Gosh I love it. So the reason I want to go beyond Rasch’s work at the Hippodrome is because I think the Band Wagon was a show that brought the Hippodrome’s aesthetic to Broadway. Rasch’s “American ballet” is absolutely the same kind of hybrid aesthetic practice that brought together whatever worked from a bunch of different dance traditions in order to make the most striking stage picture. She was willing to spend money, to go abstract, to ask a classically trained ballerina to wear pointe shoes under a floor length gown and move across the stage like a beautiful stilt-walker in order to do something new and blow the audience’s mind.