So I finished my book proposal. Hooray! It feels really nice to end the summer by completing something major. One of the last things I did, based on the feedback from my Group Biography writing group, was add pictures to my chapter outline. It really brings the story to life. So I want to share the pictures of some of my “main characters.”
Fred Thompson (1873-1919), co-founder of Luna Park on Coney Island, architect of the New York Hippodrome, and the only person in my book who was famous enough to have a full biography already written
Frances Ziebarth (1879-1949), wardrobe mistress for the New York Hippodrome from 1905-1920.
Arthur Voegtlin (1858-1919), set designer and conceptualizer of attractions, basically the artistic director from 1911-1915, came back to the Hip in 1920s to stage a pageant based on the Battle of Verdun and help design settings for Morris Gest’s Passion Play.
Carroll Fleming (1861-1930), writer of several Hippodrome shows and stage manager at the Hippodrome
R.H. Burnside (1870-1952), stage manager for the Hippodrome and general director 1915-1923.
Murdock Pemberton (1888-1982), press agent for the Hippodrome and founder of the Algonquin Round Table
Albertina Rasch (1891-1967), prima ballerina at the Hippodrome and later choreographer of the Albertina Rasch dancers who performed between vaudeville acts in the mid-1920s